Wednesday 8 January 2014

Travelling an Arriving

The Breakfast Club 

- Stereotypes in the opening scene - 

- The American jock. mise en scene is used showing him wearing the typical baseball jacket assigned to his school furthermore he is shown in an SUV van and his dad is shown to be pushing him towards a scholarship this implies he is of  a working class background. 

the girl arriving in the BMW car implies she is wealthy her dad is also seen wearing a burberry scarf which is the use of mise en secne which also implies they have money. shes seen being given presents this may indicate she is also a bit spoilt.

average boy who is geting told off by his mum to study even in detention indicates maybe from a working class backround and see the value of education he is seen wearing a beanie hat and a jacket squashed in the car with his sister.


delinquent student who is shown to look a bit mysterious with his face covered with sunglassses and a long coat he is also seen walking straight past the car with no care in the world. 


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