Wednesday 8 January 2014

Travelling and Arriving

In the opening of breakfast club you can see different types of stereotypes from the way people arrived and left the scene. 

Bully/rebel  - He arrived in the scene walking whiles others where in cars, also walked infront of a moving car showing no fear.
In the detention scene, he walked up to one of the students and without saying anything the student got up and he sat down. He's body language also supported this fact, he put his legs on one other chair and looked laid back.

American Jockey/Athlete
He came in wearing a baseball jacket which supports the stereotype of the american jockey. He came in a  suv looking car. This represenetd his status as working class and others came in more expensive cars.

 Daddy girls
Her 1st scene it shows her complaining about going into the school and the dad tells her that she we will take her shopping to make it up to her. She also comes in BMW this shows she is slightly well off than the other kids.

The brains
He complains about not doing any work in the detention and the time is wasted doing nothing. He would rather be at home doing work. Unlike the first dad of the daddys girl, his mother was strict on him. The car he also comes in also represents him as a working class.

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