Sunday 12 January 2014

Genre and Coventions

Every film has different themes and topics they allow the audience to explore.
A Theme within a film can be  defined as a subject of talk, or a continuous subject matter ran throughout the clip, conveying a message or an idea to portray something.
A Topic is a running matter throughout, something worth discussion.
for example:
The themes and topics ran through out the film ' Rebel without a cause ' (1955) are controversy, family, violence/murder, underage drinking and romance 
The themes and topics within ' Grease ' (1978) are: musicals, romance, high school, prom, cars, gangs, masculinity vs femininity, summer holidays and comedy.
The themes and topics displayed within the film ' Love and Basketball ' are: American dream, sports - basketball, romance, women independence, friendship and childhood.
The themes and topics within the film ' My brother the devil ' are sexuality, wanting to grow up fast, drug abuse and gangs an violence.
films always have a running theme or standard topic throughout because it gives the film a narrative and background story. Usually the themes are usually something very extreme such as drug abuse and violence, which gives the film an eye opener to viewers; or something relatable such as gang violence and romance as those are two things that happen in day to day life which people can relate to on a regular basis.
A subgenre is a sub division of wide genre for example, sub genre's usually related to teen films are:
  • super natural
  • thriller
  • American high school
  • rom com
  • Sci Fi ( percy Jackson )
  • adventure
  • independent.( kidulthood, Juno )

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