Wednesday 8 January 2014

I watched '10 things I hate about you'. There are different conventions which you normally find in other teen mothers.

 Firstly there where the common rilvary you find in normal teen movies.
Examples are Parents and Kids ; The dad was always stopping the daughter from doing things other students where doing which resulted in arguments. 

Love/Hate relationship; In most teen movies the is always this type of relationship. In '10 things I hate about you'. They fall for each other, and the girl finds out that the boy was paid to take her on a date and she gets angry at him for a while but they end up being together again.

The was also a use of similar locations other teen movies use. Examples of locations that were used were;
School setting; Most scenes in '10 things I hate about you' where shot in a school.
House party; The was also the famous house party scene which is normally seen in a lot of teen movies. This scene show the students drinking and living wild.
Football pitch (sport facility) ; This scene normally shows the teenagers training or engaged in a match.

Just like other teen movies, the was certain music that introduce certain characters to give us the audience a different feel for the character.

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