Thursday 30 January 2014

Planning Movie Ideas

As a group we found it quite hard to settle on one idea in regards to planning our final movie piece. In the end we decided in order to make the final idea fair we had to vote on which movie ideas we each preferred and narrowed them down to a few.

After narrowing down all of our ideas  we became torn between two movie plots:

Idea 1 - A teenage boy who was achieving great grades at college and also doing very well within his football. The boy was stuck with the dilemma of either taking up the scholarship with a football team or go to a university which he had worked so hard to achieve his grades for. 

Idea 2 - was a teenage ' James bond remake '. Where it was James Bonds daughter (Special Agent Jenner Bond) accomplishing tasks in set time before the evil bad guys had taken over. 

In the end we decided to go with the James bond remake - Special Agent Jenner Bond

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