Friday 24 January 2014

Comparison: Original Breakfast Club VS Group 38 Version.

We used ideas from the Original opening scene from the Breakfast club, but we decided to add a twist to ours. 

We started our scene with the title sequence, which was then followed by a wide shot of the front of the college. We then had a mid shot of the school clock, followed shortly after by panning of the school lockers.
After this we began to have the first car pull up to the scene followed on by the rest.

We mainly stuck t the structure of how the original went. We had a drawing of a road on blank white paper and pushed the cars along the paper to show each character arriving. we thought this was quite creative!
In terms of each character stepping out of the car, we used the media camera wheel as a pretend wheel and had a group member behind the wheel pretending to be each characters parent dropping them off. 

Evidence of this are posted on the blogs in separate  posts. 

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