Thursday 23 January 2014

Evidence (part 1)

We wasnt sure how to re-create the beginning secen of ' the breakfast club ' where the different cars pull up individully outside the school.

We went through a variety of ideas such as, filming real cars outside from an high angle view, to using Zaki's real car pulling up outside of college. We then came to the decision, that trying to film these events would consume to much time.

we decided to use the idea of drawing the road on top two sheets of paper. Although it doesnt look realistic, the idea and concept worked.

We then used the toy cars Mary gave us to re-create the cars in the breakfast club pulling up to the school gates. we did this by position the paper at an angle and letting the cars roll along the side while the camers was zoomed and focused on the car. this created the effect as if the car was moving on its own. 


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