Friday 17 January 2014

Teen Films

1) What is a teen film?

A teen film is a genre that covers a series of things that are relevant to teenage life such as  college / boyfriends / girlfriends / relationships with parents / Identity & fitting in / clique. The film will be based on the relent topics that everyday teenagers can relate to and understand. An example of this is

London teenagers especially, can relate to Kidulthood as is was based on gangs and hood life, the location was set on the London streets and the colloquial language was slang that all Londoners at the time could understand.

The film mean girls, although set in america and based on american high school life, globally majority of all teenagers are able to relate to the movies topics because everyone ( girls especially) experience what its like in high school.

2) Who watches Teen films?

Teen films target audiences is mainly between 13 - 20. Teen films are also aimed for the younger generation who aspire to be a teenager, but also the elderly/ older generation who like to reminisce on what what they use to watch and how much hobbies and things have changed over the years time.

3) Why do we enjoy watching teen films?

Teen films are enjoyed because of the entertainment it provides,

- often comedic value
- we can relate to it - we're going through
- role models inspiration.

Our group: We had a variety of different answers such as Twilight, Titanic, Boyz in the Hood. Aaaa

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