Wednesday 8 January 2014

analysis of 3 teen movies

First movie. Adulthood

This appeals to the male gender more due to the theme of crime, violence, drugs and prison, this shows a stereotypical view to the audienece of how young men are portrayed and how gang culture is also portrayed. This also attracts adults too, as young people are growing up into adulthood which helps them to relate in some ways due to their personal experience. The setting also contributes to the attraction to young people as it shows a different perspective of life that not everyone understands.

Second movie. Superbad 

This is a comedy about the struggles of teen life and the popularity complex within a school. This movie appeals to everyone mainly young teens that are male, it is filled with "boyish" humour through put the movie and shows the struggle of 3 individuals and there attempts to impressing girls. Main stars Jonah Hill, Michael Cera, Christopher Mintz-plasse, Emma stone, Seth Rogan  


Third movie. Mean girls

This is a chick flick/ comedy which represents the struggles of teenage life for a girl who came from living in a village in Africa to moving to America, the change in environment and surroundings allows individuals to relate. starting at a new school it shows her struggle to the concept of popularity joining the "plastics" she falls out with her real friends. This movie shows every day life of a girl in high school insecure with herself. It appeals to mainly young teenage girls who can relate to the struggle of high school. 

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