Friday 7 March 2014

Reflective Post - Filming

I found the process of filiming Jenner Bond quite interesting, I say this because at first as a group we had clashing ideas, and as usual we squabbled over who was filiming what. After all issues were solved, we got on with our work.

We often filmed outside of our lessons because it gave us more time to film more footage in one period of time, also filming outside of lesson times gave us the atmospheres we needed for the station scene for example with lots of busy people, and the cooridoor scenes where people were often in their lessons which allowed the area to be clear.

To film the different scenes, we all took turns to use the camera so that it was fair, and it didnt fill like one person was doing all the work.

Often the boys wanted to take control of the filming and Meeka and myself helped with the directing and suggestions/ideas.

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