Friday 7 March 2014

Reflective post - Editing Part 2

Through editing our peice, we had to make sure that the clips we were using one after eachother were in order and the clips flowed properly together. We had to make sure that the transisitions we used between the different clips looked proffessional and not just like an easy excuse to help get to the next scene.

Sourcing sound effects, I would probally say was the most difficult. When we had to find the small sounds such as doors opening, or footsteps, having to put the music with the clip in the correct places so that they played at appropriate timings.

We used Creative commons to help find the background music for our peice, we used sound peices that wasnt stereotypical and sounds that fitted in with the theme of our film ' Agents '.

we struggled with finding clips because it was easy to want to use youtube sound effects and they were easier to source, but we couldnt due to copy right laws, so it took us longer to find the correct sounds needed for our film.

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