Friday 7 March 2014

Filming - Reflective Post

When Filming Jenner Bond, I found the overall process to be interesting. At the start as a group our ideas tended to clash quite a lot. At first we weren't able to make a decision on who would be filming what, Where we would be filming and when. Eventually we were finally came to an agreement and got on with our work.

During the filming process we often did work outside of our lesson time as it gave us more time and flexibility when filming our film footage. Filming outside of lesson time also gave us the scenery's we needed in order to create our scenes. For example when filming the lead character Jenner Bond running to the station we decided to film her running down busy streets including outside of a train station. This gave us the busy atmosphere we needed for the scene. 

To film the different scenes as a group we often took in turns to make it more equal in terms of group input. 

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