Friday 7 March 2014

Comparison to other films

Jenner Bond

To begin the process of making our 2minuet opening to a film, we began by brainstorming various ideas. As time moved on we were torn between 2 different ideas; a potential footballer and a kid spy. As we discussed the two ideas we decided to pick the action based film as it was more challenger and would of taken alot of hardwork to pull of a great opening!
Through researching different films we noticed that picking an action film would be hard to communicate to an audience as opeings of other films such as James bond, always start off with an exciting opeing which draws the audience in immediately.
As we know, we are only college students so we wasnt able to have flying helicopters and fancy cars in our opening scenes, unfortunately. However, we diecided to make our film with a target audience of ' teens ' which helped make our jobs much easier.
Jenner bond is the daughter of James Bond. Jenner, is an upcomping agent which helps the incorperation fight battles against there enemies. As Jenner is a college student, she is set small missions to help her pass her training to become a full licensed agent.
We researched different films that incorperated spy's and detective work to come up with a final idea for our film.
We took inspiration from the films ' Spy Kids ' and ' Agent Cody Banks ' which allowed us to create a structure for how we wanted our film to be.


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