Friday 13 December 2013

Binary oppositions established in the opening

Binary oppositions in teen film openings 

Story lines often contain binary oppositions to cause friction between characters the oppositions are found mainly in sound, camera and miss en scene.

- Examples

In the film Romeo and Juliet the binary oppositions are as follows. 

 Montague - Capulet 

light clothing - dark clothing 

yellow fun convertible - blue mean looking car 

peace - war 

nervous - confident  

In the film 10 things i hate about you. Mise en scene is used to show the contrast between the popular girls and the outcast girls 

popular girls are in a blue convertible where as the outcast girl is in an old rusty red car, the popular girls are brightly clothed and dancing along to their upbeat music whereas the outcast girl is dressed in all black listening to a punk rock style type of music. This emphasises conflict between the two. furthermore different cliques are shown within the high school for example.
- jocks
- coffee kids
- white Rastas 
- cowboys 
- popular kids 
- ivy legue nerds 

In the world famous film twilight binary oppositions are also shown for example the settings that are shown, it start with Phoenix, Arizona very sunny and in the desert the switches to Folks in Washington very dull and rainy. Furthermore it shows oppositions between one of the main characters "bella" and local residence for instance on her first day of school she arrives in old red truck where as everyone else has got flashy cars, her clothing is also seen as different to the locals making her seem like an outsider implying there may be some sort of conflict. it also shows the vampires as being in their own little circle away from everyone else, they are shown to have pale skin and seen too only wear neutral colours.   

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